work and rest hours (WRH)
Over 1000+ vessels trust and utilize our Work and Rest Hours Software.
Work and Rest Hours (WRH) can export work and rest hour records manually or automatically as small and compressed text files to the office-based application called Work and Rest Hour Shore Manager (WRH-SM). The complete export of crew work hour records from WRH makes it possible in SM to view work and rest hour records including safety-related work and eventual non-conformances for all crews in ships using WRH.
Seafarer's Work and Rest Hours Software Summary
Compliance with STCW and MLC
Compliance with United States OPA 90
Certified Nippon Kaiji Kyoka Classification Society ( NK Class)
Conforms to seafarer's rest hour regulations of Germany, Japan, and Canada.
Key Features
Easily manage crew work hours through a user-friendly interface
Ships voyage and vessels time adjustments are maintained
time-saving features
WRH offers simple generation of built-in reports, which can be converted to RTF, PDF, or Excel formats
Real-time alerts
Why you should have the Work and Rest Hours Software
Efficient crew scheduling ☑️
Reduced regulatory fines ☑️
Improved operational efficiency ☑️
Competitive pricing ☑️
Exceptional customer support ☑️
Continuously update and improvement ☑️
Work and Rest Hours Software for seafarers
Work and Rest Hour rules in WRH was certified by the Nippon Kaiji Kyoka classification society (NK class) in 2016 to be in compliance with MLC 2006, STCW 2010 Manila amendments and National Japanese regulations.
The Spectral Work and Rest Hour application (WRH) is used on board ships to monitor crews’ compliance with STCW, and MLC rest hour regimes and produces reports in accordance with the STCW standard that can be presented to Port State Control.
WRH is adapted to the National rest hour regulations of Germany, Japan and Canada. It can further be set to monitor rest hour compliance with United States OPA 90.
WRH is easy to set up and Crews work hours are added by either the crews themselves or by their supervisors in a user-friendly graphical environment. WRH will promptly and in real time warn users if a non-conformance is occurring.
WRH has a section used to plan crews' future work and rest hours used mainly to schedule work hours during port calls. WRH has functions to maintain vessels voyage and time adjustments due to change of time zones.
WRH can work by itself or be set up to export crews’ work and rest hour records to the office based WRH-SM. WRH can also be integrated with the spectral Ship Administrative System (SAS) that among others task is used to administer crews’ on board pay system.
Individual Work Hours
Crews work hours are easy to view and add in this screen. Left section lists all crew, center section lists work hours and lower section is used to add and edit work hours.
Ships voyage and vessels time adjustments are maintained.
Work and Rest Hours Maritime Software or WRH has a set of built-in reports that are easy to produce. Reports can be converted to rtf, pdf or excel files.