Program Integration
All our applications are integrated but they can also work without any connection to the other programs in our portfolio.
Crew records are exported from MPS to SAS and WRH.
The applications are using a similar menu system and the same basic approach to their "look". The applications installed on board share common data and the same applies for the applications used ashore.
Communications between office base and shore based application is done through email with data attachments of minimal size, emails can be generated automatically to send frequently reoccurring data files and imports of data attached to emails are always automatic.
Administrative data types like wage scales, ranks, certificate types, and many more are shared between MPS and the WRH/SM programs. The same Administrative data are exported from either MPS or SM to vessels using WRH or SAS.
Work and rest Hours or (WRH) and SAS, both being used on board ships, shares common data like voyage and crew records. Overtime recorded in WRH is updating the wage account system in SAS automatically.
Records of Wage Accounts, Crew Advances and Work and Rest hours are exported from SAS and WRH electronically to the SM program. Records of appraisals are exported from SAS to MPS.