Ship Administrative System
( SAS )
Ship Administrative System
SAS can export wage account records manually or automatically as small and compressed text files to the office-based application called Ship Administrative System Shore Manager (SAS-SM). Imported wage account records from SAS can then be reviewed by the appropriate shore staffs using SAS-SM
Ships wage scales are further set up in SAS-SM and exported electronically as compressed text files to SAS on board the ships
"SAS is fully integrated with the Spectral Work and Rest Hours application as it shares all common data types meaning that when the two programs are used together, entry of many key data like vessels voyage is only done in one of the two. "
SAS, an application used onboard ships, efficiently manages various crew and ship-related tasks. This versatile application can be utilized in a network environment, enabling seamless data sharing, or as a single-user program. SAS offers an intuitive interface that is user-friendly and effortless to navigate. Users are provided with comprehensive documentation and help files for a seamless experience.
The key functions in SAS are:
A large number of international immigration forms including all IMO forms.
A Crew pay system.
A Master cash system.
Section to maintain vessels certification status.
Sections to maintain Provisions costs reports, Crew Medical reports and vessels communication cost reports are also available.
The SAS Crew Wage Accounts section has a multi-currency payroll engine meaning that crew advances and the wage scale of the crews can be recorded in different currencies. Monthly Expenses such as Cash Advances, Slop Chest Purchases, Allotments and Radio Charges are recorded by ship staffs in SAS. The wage account is updated automatically and seamlessly in real time when new advances are added or crews are being signed on or off and with same speed as a spread sheet would do.
When used together with WRH, crews’ overtime recorded in WRH is automatically reflected in the SAS pay system. The Master Cash section is fully integrated with the Crew Pay section meaning that crews advances recorded in the Crew Pay section are automatically added to the Master Cash ledger.
Vessels voyage is maintained and a large number of immigration and custom forms can be produced to simplify vessels submission of documents required by port officials.
Crew Payroll
Crews' wage scales are imported from the office based Shore Manager program. The Payroll is auto calculated in real time whenever a crew advance is added or a crew is signed on and off. Wage account reports are customized to the clients preferred layout.
The Administrator can set up user groups with different set of access permissions making it possible to delegate work done with SAS among different ranks on board.